Babar Ali, the revered Pakistani film and TV star, recently took a stand against Bollywood actor Sunny Deol and his latest release, ‘Gadar 2,’ in a candid podcast with YouTuber Nadir Ali. While initially acknowledging Deol’s success at the Box Office, Babar Ali did not mince words when criticizing the film’s negative portrayal of Pakistan.
In a heartfelt message to Deol, Babar Ali emphasized, “You can remake films, but if you denigrate Pakistan, I cannot respect you.” He urged Deol to contribute positively to his country without tarnishing Pakistan’s image. Drawing a stark contrast between the film industries, Babar Ali highlighted that Pakistan had always shown respect to artists and welcomed Deol wholeheartedly when he visited the country.
The podcast shed light on the ongoing trend in Bollywood to use films as a platform for propagandizing and disparaging Pakistan. Babar Ali complimented Deol on his return to the big screen but criticized him for adopting a divisive approach. “I don’t want to stop you from making excellent contributions to your own country, but doing so shouldn’t be at the expense of Pakistan’s reputation,” he remarked.
Referring to the success of ‘Gadar 2,’ which currently holds the third-highest-grossing Indian film of the year, Babar Ali urged Deol and other filmmakers to consider the impact of their portrayals on international relations. He stressed that while Pakistan has produced numerous films, they have never mocked any nation.
In the follow-up to the 2001 period drama, ‘Gadar 2’ features Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel, and Utkarsh Sharma reprising their roles. Despite its massive Box Office success, the film has faced criticism for its negative portrayal of Pakistan and Muslims. Sunny Deol, however, dismissed these accusations, asserting that films should primarily be viewed as a form of entertainment and not subjected to extensive analysis.
Babar Ali’s outspoken criticism reflects a concern for how Pakistan is portrayed in Indian cinema, urging a more respectful and collaborative approach between the two industries. The article aims to convey this message to a Pakistani audience, ensuring they comprehend the nuances of the situation and engage with the content positively.